Find this lovely fabric shop thru flickr ! remember to check their online shop!
I need to find this book right away!! so amazing!
I think I spent more time on flickr than blogging now.
I started to received some letters from people I don't know after I started this blog. I made friends without meeting them. Also those comments left in my posts, made me feel that I have made so many friends around the world now.
Thank you! Friend ! Thank you for stopping by!
Two weeks ago I got a email from Lynn. A couple of emails later we had decided to have some collaborations. I am totally excited about this can't wait to show you new things after new year. Thank you! Lynn, thank your kindly invitation to this adventure.
I also met Miho. I like her blog and like her own website. I also find this wonderful book blog__ "BOOK ENDLESS " from her. She emails me sometimes when she finds some nice books. Sweet girl, thank you!
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Sun and Kotatsu
We have beautiful days here!! Lots sunlight flood in our house everyday but it doesn't mean that it's warm in our house. I feel like staying in the cold meat storage all day! ! Our heater is broken and we also need to redo all the ducting. We didn't plan to fix it because we thought that we will be totally fine since we are living in south California.
We were so so wrong!!
I like to take break time and rush to our deck. It's so warm under the sun. I wish I can move my computer to the deck and work there. That's the time for me to do some sketches. (Under that bright sun I dream about snow sometimes.)
CL and I decided to make a kotatsu to keep us warm and to be more efficient for the energy. We put our portable radiator under our working table and enclosed the table with thick cotton......Ahhh- HA ! A instant Kotastu is done... don't laugh, it works just fine for us.... I just feel that my hands are icing cold when my half body is all warmed up. oops!
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Light study
I was modeling for CL last weekend. See the light we have here! Just love it. But I think I'm a really BAD model, I look so sad.
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More weaving
CL took this picture while I was weaving (last month??). I haven't weaved for a while. Definitely this X'mas vacation will be my endless weaving time! Can't wait! Can't wait!
(But It probably will be freezing, how can I keep myself warm?? I CAN'T make a Kotatsu for my loom! Can't I??)
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Some cute little shops_ plus some winter inspirations......
Masion de Plage
Non sens
Fig London
For some reasons they all have super small images!! I also like this one _nicta!
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Yukari Miyagi 's Turtle and Rabbit
I found this book when I was in the exhibition of Murakami in MOCA. Actually there are a lot of young Japanese artists works there but it was crazily crowded there. I didn't really can stand still to look through all the new book collections. Too bad! It also stopped me to buy the books I like.
Here is Yukari Miyagi's website! She also has nice works for the commercial campaigns.
Fukuda Kan
I found this artist from one of Miyagi's links_ BUILDING.
There are more nice works up in the site. I only wish I would have 48 hours a day to dig that.
Oh, Right!
I also like Joe McLaren's version of "Rabbit and Turtle".
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I love these 60s inspired funitures from Karimuku60.
Here are more love of 60s_
Sorry!! just a quick post today!
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